In the previous post we managed to issue an IDLE command to SD Card via an SD Card reader, attached to the Arty A7 board. We also confirmed that SD Card send a response back for the command.
Up to this point in time we made use of a state machine for issuing command sequences to the Gisselquist SD core. There is quite a number of commands one needs to issue to an SD Card, in order to do reading/writing of data stored on the SD Card. Using a state machine for this exercise can become quite unpleasant in the long run.
Thus, in this post we will look at using a CPU core, on which we can run a stored program for issuing the SD Card command sequences. The CPU core I will using for this purpose will be Arlet Ottens' 6502 core.
I am sure there will be very frowns out there on using an 8-bit CPU, working with a 32-bit Wishbone device like the Gisselquist SD Card core. However, the 6502 is fairly light on FPGA resources and I think it is worthwhile to see how far this core can help us out.
The Memory Map
Let us have a look at the memory map for our 6502 system:
- FFFF - FF00: ROM. For starters we will have a 256 byte ROM, but might grow beyond this size over time. As with many 6502 systems, the startup ROM needs to live in the top part of RAM, because the reset vector is at addresses FFFC-FFFD.
- FEFF - FE00: Interface to the registers of Gisselquist SD Card Core. As we have seen in the previous post, we have access to 2 32-bit registers via the Wishbone bus of the Gisselquist core.
Wiring up the 6502
For starters, we need a ROM for feeding the 6502 with a program to execute. For this we go on a trip in memory lane, where in 2017 we created a ROM module for our C64 core, here. You can find the full source for this module with this link on Github:
An instance of the ROM module looks like this:
rom#( .ADDR_WIDTH(8), .ROM_FILE("romsdspi.bin") ) rom ( .clk(gen_clk), .addr(cpu_address[7:0]), .rom_out(rom_out) );As mentioned earlier, we will start off with only a 256 byte ROM. For this reason ADD_WIDTH is set to 8. We also only use the lower 8 bits of the address from the CPU.
00 FF 00 00Here we see the 6502 will start executing at address FF00, the beginning of the last 256 page in the 64K address space. We will cover the assembly code a bit later.
cpu cpu( .clk(gen_clk), .reset(...), .AB(cpu_address), .DI(rom_out), .DO(cpu_data_out), .WE(we_6502), .IRQ(0), .NMI(0), .RDY(1) );
Writing from 6502 to SDSPI Core
always @(posedge gen_clk) begin if (we_6502) begin if (cpu_address == 16'hfe01) begin reg_1 <= cpu_data_out; end else if (cpu_address == 16'hfe02) begin reg_2 <= cpu_data_out; end else if (cpu_address == 16'hfe03) begin reg_3 <= cpu_data_out; end end endNext, let us generate a strobe signal for the SDSPI Core:
always @(posedge gen_clk) assign on_word_boundary = cpu_address[1:0] == 0; assign wb_stb = cpu_address[15:8] == 8'hfe && on_word_boundary;So, we only strobe on a word boundary, e.g. addresses like FE00 and FE04. The applicable signals on the SDSPI core looks like this:
sdspi sdspi ( ... // Wishbone interface // {{{ .i_wb_cyc(1), .i_wb_stb(wb_stb), .i_wb_we(we_6502), .i_wb_addr({1'b0,cpu_address[2]}), .i_wb_data({reg_3, reg_2, reg_1, cpu_data_out}), ... );
Reading with the 6502
... cpu cpu( ... .DO(cpu_data_out), ... ); ... always @(posedge gen_clk) begin addr_delayed <= cpu_address; end ... always @* begin casex (addr_delayed) ... default: combined_data = rom_out; endcase end ...The casex is the main part for selecting the correct source. We use a casex instead of a usual case because we use a subset of the bits to decide which source to select. We will add more selectors to our casex in a bit.
... always @(posedge gen_clk) begin wb_data_store <= (wb_stb && !we_6502) ? o_data_sdspi[31:8] : wb_data_store; end ... always @* begin casex (addr_delayed) 16'b1111_1110_xxxx_xx00: combined_data = o_data_sdspi[7:0]; 16'b1111_1110_xxxx_xx01: combined_data = wb_data_store[7:0]; 16'b1111_1110_xxxx_xx10: combined_data = wb_data_store[15:8]; 16'b1111_1110_xxxx_xx11: combined_data = wb_data_store[23:16]; default: combined_data = rom_out; endcase end ...So, when we read from a SDPSI core regitser we store the top three in temporary register called wb_data_store, which the 6502 can read at later stage if so desired.
... always @(posedge gen_clk) begin wait_read <= wait_read ? 0 : (wb_stb && !we_6502); end always @(posedge gen_clk) begin capture_data <= wait_read; end always @(posedge gen_clk) begin wb_data_store <= capture_data ? o_data_sdspi[31:8] : wb_data_store; end cpu cpu(... .RDY(!wait_read) ); always @(posedge gen_clk) begin addr_delayed <= wait_read ? addr_delayed : cpu_address; end ...As seen from this code, we also need to wait before we capture a value for wb_data_store, as well as delaying addr_delayed even further is required.
The 6502 Assembly Program
FF00 A9 55 LDA #$55 FF02 8D 01 FE STA $FE01 FF05 8D 02 FE STA $FE02 FF08 8D 03 FE STA $FE03 FF0B A9 0B LDA #$0B FF0D 8D 04 FE STA $FE04 ; Store the value $5555550B into Data Register FF10 A9 C0 LDA #$C0 FF12 8D 00 FE STA $FE00 ; Init Config registers with value stored in Data Register FF15 A9 FF LDA #$FF FF17 8D 03 FE STA $FE03 FF1A 8D 02 FE STA $FE02 FF1D 8D 01 FE STA $FE01 FF20 8D 04 FE STA $FE04 ; Load Data register with $FFFFFFFF FF23 A9 40 LDA #$40 FF25 8D 00 FE STA $FE00 ; Give Idle command ($40) followed by $FFFFFFFF (e.g. Data Register)Just to give some context again. Data Register mentioned in the comments is register 1 of the SDSPI core.