In the previous post we managed to reduce initial latency in order to improve throughput.
Just to put everything into perspective again. Our memory controller is clocking at 16.7MHz. A request to read/write from memory is provided at the first clock pulse, and data is expected at the second pulse.
In the previous post we found that requested data from memory was available shortly after the second pulse, which is simply too late.
In this post we will attempt to reduce some of the trailing latency even further so at least we can have the requested data before the second pulse.
The exercise of reducing trailing latency has proven not be so major, so will find that this post will be shorter than usual.
The Plan
Let us quickly review our plan by looking at the diagram below.
Point 1 is the first clock edge of the 16.7MHz clock signal. At this point we assert a command for memory access.
At point 2 we are expecting the required data to be ready. However, the data is captured only at point 3, which is way after the second required clock edge.
My plan is to rather capture the data at the negative clock edge of the clock that drives the output of the Iserdes block, which I have indicated in the diagram as point 4. In the next section I will indicate how to accomplish this.
Capturing at the right moment
Let us now see how we can capture the data at the right moment, as outlined in the previous section.
From the diagram we have seen in the previous section, we have seen that the capture should happen at state 2f.
The state register is maintained in the module mcontr_sequencer, and we check for state 2f:
module mcontr_sequencer #( ... )( ... ); ... assign store_captured_data = state == 7'2f; ... endmoduleWe can now pass this signal down subsequent modules in we reach the module iserdes_mem.
module iserdes_mem # ( ... ) ( ... input store_captured_data, ... ); ... always @(negedge oclk_div) begin if (store_captured_data) begin dout_le <= {dout_le[3:0], iserdes_out}; end end ... endmoduleAs you can see we do the capture on negative edge of the clock clocking the output of a iserdes block.
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