Sunday, 29 January 2023

SD Card Access for a Arty A7: Part 6


In the previous post we managed to Initialise an SD Card from power up.

In this post we will try to read a sector from the SD Card.

We will continue to use the Gisselquist SD Card core for interfacing with the SD Card. 

Buffering a sector of data

When you read a sector of data from a SD Card, the SD Card will respond after a certain amount of time at which it will send the 512 bytes of data one after the other consecutively. If your CPU is busy during this point in time, we might miss a byte or two from the data.

Luckily the Gisselquist core provide us way out of this scenario by buffering 512 bytes of data for us when it becomes available. The CPU can then fetch the data at a later stage from the buffer when it is ready.

This buffer is in actual fact a FIFO (First In First Out) structure. This means that you only need a single address to map the contents of the FIFO into CPU memory space and not 512 addresses.

There is a couple of technicalities to remember when using the FIFO buffers in the Gisselquist core. The first thing is, when you issue a read command to the SDCard, you should also inform the Gisselquist core that this command will be utilising the FIFO buffer. To illustrate this in 6502 assembly language syntax:

     .BYTE $00, $00, $00, $00
     .BYTE $00, $00, $08, $51 ; CMD 51
The value $51 is the SD Card command for reading a sector.

Next to the value $51 we have the value $08. If you study the final assembly listing from the previous post, you will pick up that usually for a command row the first three bytes of 0's, followed by a command byte. If there is any bits set in the first three bytes, it provides the Gisselquist core with some additional info about the particular command.

In this case the $08 byte signal the Gisselquist core that we expect 512 bytes from the SD Card and this should be stored in the FIFO buffer for later access.

Like with the other commands we need to wait in a busy wait loop until the busy bit changes to zero.

The next question is, how do we read the FIFO buffer? The answer is to read register 2 of the Gisselquist core. Let us recap from previous posts the registers that the Gisselquist core contains. I have added register 2 to the list, just for completeness:

  • Register 0: Command register
  • Register 1: Data register
  • Register 2: FIFO buffer
These registers map into our 6502 address space starting at address FE00. It should be remembered that the Gisselquist core has 32 bit registers, whereas the 6502 works only with 8 bits at a time. So, Register 0 will map to address FE00, Register 1 will map to address FE04 and Register 2 will map to address FE08.

Now, back to the details of Register 2, the FIFO buffer register. In order to read the data you can continuously read register 2, which will bring you back 4 bytes at a time, with each read advancing to the next 4 bytes.

You will remember from my previous posts that in our 6502 design we trigger a register read by issuing an address that is a multiple of 4, like FE00, FE04 or FE08. The addresses FE01, FE02 and FE03 stores the remaining three bytes of the register which we couldn't accept, because the 6502 only works with a byte at a time.

There is one final technicality we need to look at. From the previous posts you will remember that we always use command $C0 for initialising the state of the Gisselquist core:

     .BYTE $55, $55, $55, $0B
     .BYTE $00, $00, $00, $C0 ; CMD C0
The value $0B set the value of the clock divider.

Now, the technicality I am referring to are bits 15-18, which specifies the limit of the FIFO buffer as a power of two. IF we use the command as above, the FIFO size limit value will be 5, which equals 32 bytes. The correct value to use for this is 9, which will yield the following $C0 command:
     .BYTE $55, $59, $55, $0B
     .BYTE $00, $00, $00, $C0 ; CMD C0

Verifying our design

When we run our design on a real FPGA, we will need a way to tell that the values are correctly read from the SD Card.

The easiest way for this verification is just to make an image dump of the SD Card we are using, and check some values with a Hex editor. The values we then get back from the FPGA need to match the values we saw in the Hex editor.

To take the SD Card I used as an example:

When I opened my dump, the beginning was filled with zeros. Not very useful for a test. However, Scrolling further down, eventually yielded some data:

So, if we run a test on the Arty A7, we should look at around byte 0x1bf of the sector data returned to verify if our implementation works correctly.

If you are doing a test yourself, you can also expect data in more or less the same spot. Any properly formatted SD Card will have a master boot record (MBR) located in sector zero. According to Wikipedia, bytes 0x1be to 0x1ce contains the first partition entry in a MBR.

Let us write some Assembly for reading sector zero from the SD Card:

       LDA #6
       JSR CMD
       LDA #0
       STA $FE0B
       LDX #$74
       LDA $FE08
       LDA #2
       STA $FE0B
We start by issuing a sector read command. In our CMD table this is contained in slot 6, which we load into the Accumulator and we Jump to the CMD routine, which issues the command to the SD Card.

This routine only returns once we received the full response. Once the full response is loaded into the FIFO, our CPU needs to read it out, by reading address $FE08 multiple times.

We will again use an ILA (Integrated Logic Analyzer) block for examining the read data returned by the Gisselquist core to the CPU.

Unfortunately the data we are looking for is quite deep in the FIFO, and the Arty A7 doesn't provide enough block RAM to capture all read data returned. So, we need some trigger that we can only capture the segment we are interested in.

For this reason why are executing the loop in the above assembly $74 times. It should be noted that each read returns 4 bytes, so we need to multiply this number by 4 to get the real byte number where the loop will stop. In this case the byte number is $1d0, which gives us a big enough window for our ILA to capture all bytes in question.

Once the loop has completed, we store the value 2 into address $FE0B. This will set a bit triggering a capture on the ILA block. 

Let us have a look at what the ILA capture looks like:

As with a lot of ILA captures, they are simply too wide to present within a blog. With this ILA screen capture I tried to illustrate that I cut out a portion of the screenshot so we can view the important parts together. In the first part of signal we can see the assertion of the capture signal by the CPU at sector sample 0x1d0.

In the second signal we can see that the value 76000000. This is the value captured before we get to sample 0x1d0 and corresponds to the hex dump I presented earlier.

This proves that our design is more or less correct.

In Summary

In this post we attempted to read a sector of data from an SD Card and proved via a dump made from the SD Card via another system that our design read the data correctly.

In the next post we will attempt to read a file from an SD Card using its FAT table. This will be a big milestone in getting an Amiga core to boot up on an Arty A7, which will require to load an Amiga ROM and disk images from an SD Card.

Until next time!

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