In the previous post we added some more functionality to issue some more sensible commands to the second channel of our memory controller.
We also created a Hypothetical Amiga core for serving our second memory channel with the sensible read/write commands. This Hypothetical Amiga core serves as a Work in progress, which we will continue to add more and more functionality in coming posts.
In this post we will hook up the Minimig (aka Mini Amiga) core to our almost mostly empty Amiga core.
We briefly played with the Minimig core a couple of posts ago, just to get a feel of how it works. In particular, one of the feature we briefly looked at of the Amiga, is the Memory overlay scheme at bootup of Amiga, where the RAM starting at address 0, is disabled and instead a piece of ROM is mapped instead at this range of memory.
However, when we previous played with the Minimig, we barely touched on all the technicalities when reading from memory via the Minimig. In this post we will explore some of these technicalities.
DACT Battles
With discussions we had from previous posts, we know that in order for a 68k Motorola processor to access memory, two signals are of importance: ASn and DACT. The CPU asserts the signal ASn to signal memory it wants to access memory. When the memory is ready with the data it signals the CPU in return by asserting the DACT signal.
While playing with the Minimig core, I discovered something that puzzled me a bit from the following waveform:
In this waveform, the Amiga core is still in overlay mode, meaning that the address 0 the Amiga would translate to the address 3c0000 hex. The Amiga core, however, asserts the DACT signal, e.g. second signal in the waveform before the address changes to 3c0000. This means that potentially the data will be be read from the incorrect address and returned to the CPU.
I was wondering how the Minimig core on the MisTer project deals with this scenario. Delving a bit into the source code, I found the following snippet in the file rtl/cpu_wrapper.v:
... fx68k cpu_inst_o ( ... .DTACKn(ramsel ? ~ramready : chip_dtack), ... ); ...Here we see that for RAM accesses we don't use the dact signal of our Minimig core, but rather the ramready signal.
... cpu_cache_new cpu_cache ( .clk (sysclk), // clock .rst (!reset || !cache_rst), // cache reset .cpu_cache_ctrl (cpu_cache_ctrl), // CPU cache control .cache_inhibit (cache_inhibit), // cache inhibit .cpu_cs (ramsel), // cpu activity .cpu_adr (cpuAddr), // cpu address .cpu_bs ({!cpuU, !cpuL}), // cpu byte selects .cpu_we (cpustate == 3), // cpu write .cpu_ir (cpustate == 0), // cpu instruction read .cpu_dr (cpustate == 2), // cpu data read .cpu_dat_w (cpuWR), // cpu write data .cpu_dat_r (cpuRD), // cpu read data .cpu_ack (cache_rd_ack), // cpu acknowledge .wb_en (cache_wr_ack), // write enable .sdr_dat_r (sdata_reg), // sdram read data .sdr_read_req (cache_req), // sdram read request from cache .sdr_read_ack (cache_fill), // sdram read acknowledge to cache .snoop_act (chipWE), // snoop act (write only - just update existing data in cache) .snoop_adr (chipAddr), // snoop address .snoop_dat_w (chipWR), // snoop write data .snoop_bs ({!chipU, !chipL}) // snoop byte selects ); ... assign ramready = cache_rd_ack || write_ena; ...Here we see that the Amiga core used in the MisTer project, doesn't read directly from SDRAM, but rather via an cache. Looking at the implementation of cpu_cache_new, we see that it is quite an advanced cache, with the same kind of functionality you would find with a cache dedicated on modern day CPU's. This cache will even snoop data writes peripheral chips have done to memory via DMA, so that the CPU will not miss out on these updates.
More clocking
... BUFGCE BUFGCE_8_2_mhz ( .O(clk_8_2_mhz), // 1-bit output: Clock output .CE(clk_8_2_enable), // 1-bit input: Clock enable input for I0 .I(mclk) // 1-bit input: Primary clock ); ... always @(negedge mclk) begin clk_8_2_enable <= (edge_count == 7 || edge_count == 5 || edge_count == 3); end ...Having fed our amiga_mem_core module with the correct clock frequency, we need to instantiate a module instance within this module for generating the other clock signals the minimig core requires:
amiga_clk amiga_clk ( .clk_28(clk), // 28MHz output clock ( 28.375160MHz) .clk7_en(clk7_en), // 7MHz output clock enable (on 28MHz clock domain) .clk7n_en(clk7n_en), // 7MHz negedge output clock enable (on 28MHz clock domain) .c1(c1), // clk28m clock domain signal synchronous with clk signal .c3(c3), // clk28m clock domain signal synchronous with clk signal delayed by 90 degrees .cck(cck), // colour clock output (3.54 MHz) .eclk(eclk), // 0.709379 MHz clock enable output (clk domain pulse) .reset_n(~(reset)) );This is also a module I used straight from the minimig project, which is the file rtl/amiga_clk.v.
... always @(negedge clk) begin phi <= ~phi; end ... minimig minimig( //m68k pins .cpu_address(add), // m68k address bus .cpu_data(data_in), // m68k data bus .cpudata_in(data_out), // m68k data in ._cpu_ipl(interrupts), // m68k interrupt request ._cpu_as(As), // m68k address strobe ._cpu_uds(Uds), // m68k upper data strobe .button_reset(reset), ._cpu_lds(Lds), // m68k lower data strobe .cpu_r_w(read_write), // m68k read / write ._cpu_dtack(data_ack), // m68k data acknowledge ._cpu_reset(/*reset*/), // m68k reset ._cpu_reset_in(reset_cpu_out),//m68k reset in .nmi_addr(0), // m68k NMI address //TODO //sram pins .ram_data(data), // sram data bus .ramdata_in(ram_data_in), // sram data bus in .ram_address(address), // sram address bus ._ram_bhe(), // sram upper byte select ._ram_ble(), // sram lower byte select ._ram_we(write), // sram write enable ._ram_oe(oe), // sram output enable .chip48(), // big chipram read //system pins .rst_ext(), // reset from ctrl block .rst_out(), // minimig reset status .clk(clk), // 28.37516 MHz clock .clk7_en(clk7_en), // 7MHz clock enable .clk7n_en(clk7n_en), // 7MHz negedge clock enable .c1(c1), // clock enable signal .c3(c3), // clock enable signal .cck(cck), // colour clock enable .eclk(eclk), // ECLK enable (1/10th of CLK) //rs232 pins .rxd(), // rs232 receive .txd(), // rs232 send .cts(), // rs232 clear to send .rts(), // rs232 request to send .dtr(), // rs232 Data Terminal Ready .dsr(), // rs232 Data Set Ready .cd(), // rs232 Carrier Detect .ri(), // rs232 Ring Indicator //host controller interface (SPI) .IO_UIO(), .IO_FPGA(), .IO_STROBE(), .IO_WAIT(), .IO_DIN(), .IO_DOUT() //user i/o //output [1:0] cpucfg, //output [2:0] cachecfg, //output [6:0] memcfg, //output bootrom, // enable bootrom magic in gary.v ); ... fx68k fx68k( .clk(clk), .HALTn(1), // Used for single step only. Force high if not used // input logic HALTn = 1'b1, // Not all tools support default port values // These two signals don't need to be registered. They are not async reset. .extReset(reset), // External sync reset on emulated system .pwrUp(reset), // Asserted together with reset on emulated system coldstart .enPhi1(phi), .enPhi2(~phi), // Clock enables. Next cycle is PHI1 or PHI2 .eRWn(read_write), .oRESETn(reset_cpu_out), //output eRWn, output ASn, output LDSn, output UDSn, //output logic E, output VMAn, //output FC0, output FC1, output FC2, //output BGn, //output oRESETn, output oHALTEDn, .ASn(As), .LDSn(Lds), .UDSn(Uds), .DTACKn(data_ack), .VPAn(1), .BERRn(1), .BRn(1), .BGACKn(1), .IPL0n(interrupts[0]), .IPL1n(interrupts[1]), .IPL2n(interrupts[2]), .iEdb(data_in), .oEdb(data_out), .eab(add) ); ...I have described the use of both modules in a previous post. You will also noticed that the DTACKn still uses the data_ack signal blindly from minimig, of which I have warned against in the previous section. We will give attention to this in the next section.
Synchronised Memory Access
always @(posedge clk) begin case(dact_state) STATE_IDLE: begin dact_state <= (!oe && !data_ack) ? STATE_OE : STATE_IDLE; end STATE_OE: begin dact_state <= STATE_OE_1; end STATE_OE_1: begin dact_state <= STATE_DACT; end STATE_DACT: begin if (data_ack) begin dact_state <= STATE_IDLE; end end endcase endWe transition from the IDLE state to the next state when both oe and data_ack is asserted, just to ensure we act on a CPU memory access and not from a peripheral DMA access.
fx68k fx68k( .clk(clk), ... .DTACKn(dact_state == STATE_DACT ? data_ack : 1), ... );What remains to be done is to link up the memory. For now a will just simulate hardcoded values for memory, that will be a program and see if our CPU will act accordingly:
... always @(posedge clk) begin oe_delayed <= oe; end ... assign trigger_read = oe_delayed && !oe; ... always @(negedge clk_8_2_mhz) begin if (amiga_test_address == 22'h3c0000 && trigger_read) begin data_in_amiga_test <= 16'hc0; end else if (amiga_test_address == 22'h3c0001 && trigger_read) begin data_in_amiga_test <= 16'h33c3; end else if (amiga_test_address == 22'h3c0002 && trigger_read) begin data_in_amiga_test <= 16'h0; end else if (amiga_test_address == 22'h3c0003 && trigger_read) begin data_in_amiga_test <= 16'h0008; end else if (amiga_test_address == 22'h3c0004 && trigger_read) begin data_in_amiga_test <= 16'h303c; //load immediate end else if (amiga_test_address == 22'h3c0005 && trigger_read) begin data_in_amiga_test <= 16'h0505; end else if (amiga_test_address == 22'h3c0006 && trigger_read) begin data_in_amiga_test <= 16'h33c0; //store end else if (amiga_test_address == 22'h3c0007 && trigger_read) begin data_in_amiga_test <= 16'h0085; end else if (amiga_test_address == 22'h3c0008 && trigger_read) begin data_in_amiga_test <= 16'h8586; end else if(amiga_test_address == 22'h3c0009 && trigger_read) begin data_in_amiga_test <= 16'h4eb9; end else if (amiga_test_address == 22'h3c000a && trigger_read) begin data_in_amiga_test <= 9; end else if (amiga_test_address == 22'h3c000b && trigger_read) begin data_in_amiga_test <= 16'h3e86; end else if (trigger_read) begin data_in_amiga_test <= 16'h33c0; end end ...The data only gets assigned once the oe signal transitions from 1 to a 0. As we know, when the 68k processor starts to execute it starts by loading the vectors at address 0, which the minimig core translates to 3c0000.
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