Sunday 25 April 2021

Running an Amiga core on a Zybo Board: Part 4


In the previous post we managed to get the Source code of the Mini Amiga project to compile in Vivado and ran the resulting bitstream on the Basys 3 board.

With the core on the Basys 3, we did a very basic test, confirming whether the address requests to external SDRAM was targeted for the Kickstart ROM area.

Our next goal is to get the Kickstart ROM to run.

You might have noticed towards the end of the previous post that I am alternating between the term Kickstart ROM and AROS ROM. Many readers are more familiar with the term Kickstart ROM, whereas we are going to run the AROS ROM image in our design. So, just keep that in mind when I interchange between the two terms.

The Kickstart ROM is 512KB in size, more than the amount of Block RAM the Basys 3 can offer. We will therefore move in this post to the Zybo board, which supports external SDRAM.

Our primary focus in this post will be to develop an interface where, given an address, the interface will one word of data from that location in SDRAM.


Quite a while ago, while I was still developing a C64 block for an FPGA, I have also created a wrapper for accessing SDRAM on the Zybo board, here.

The purpose was to save the frames produced by the the VIC-II module and render it to a VGA screen at a different frame rate.

In the design I used the IP Burst block, provided by Xilinx, to shield me from the details of the AXI protocol.

The design I ended up with, was a streaming interface, that accessed data in a serial fashion. This is a suitable interface for rendering frames to a VGA screen, where the data required is also of a serial nature.

With the streaming interface we can easily predict which data will be required in the future and therefore prefetch the data, therefore mitigate the effect of latency.

In our Amiga design, however, the 68000 will be accessing the SDRAM in a much more random fashion, so a streaming interface will not give us any real benefit. So, in this post we will be designing a very simple SDRAM interface, where we provide an address, and the interface will return the relevant word of data from SDRAM.

Obviously, with this interface SDRAM latency will work against us, but for coming posts we will first try to get the system to work and attempt to fix the latency issues later on.

Creating an AXI Block

In a previous post, here, I explained how to create an AXI block in a Zybo block design.

In that post, I have also explained how to utilise IP Burst Block in your created AXI block. As mentioned earlier, the IP Burst block shields you from the technicalities of the AXI protocol.

Well, after a couple of years down the line, I tend to disagree with the statement in the previous paragraph. Working with AXI protocols is not that bad and using the IP Burst block is a bit of an overkill.

The thing is, when creating an AXI master block, the wizard do create a template for you that is basically an example of how to use the AXI protocol. A couple of years ago, however, this template just looked like a very complex state machine, and so I decided to use the IP Burst block as an alternative. 

Having a look at the state machine that the AXI Block Wizard create, one can see that it is basically a memory tester. It starts off writing a certain test pattern of data to memory and afterwards read it back from memory, checking to see if it matches the test pattern.

It is easy enough to alter the path of this state machine to read or write on demand. We will tackle this in the next section.

Modifying the AXI block

Let us modify the AXI block to fit our needs.

First we need to look at the state machine that is implemented in case-statements. The state machine transitions as follows: IDLE > WRITE > READ > COMPARE > IDLE.

In order to implement our read on demand, we need to transition back to IDLE after a read or a write. Also in the IDLE state we need to directly transition directly to a READ or a WRITE given a command. We do this as follows:

           if ( init_txn_pulse == 1'b1)                                                      
               mst_exec_state  <= user_write ? INIT_WRITE : INIT_READ;                                                              
               ERROR <= 1'b0;
               compare_done <= 1'b0;
               mst_exec_state  <= IDLE;                                                            
Here user_write is an input port we define on the module. If it is a 1, it is a write and a read otherwise.

Next let us add some ports to the AXI block for supplying commands:

// Users to add ports here
        input [31:0] user_address,
        input [31:0] user_data,
        input user_write,
// User ports ends
So, we have a port to specify an aaddress for a read/write command. Also, for a write, we have a port to specify the data.

Let us have a look at how these ports are going to be used:

// Next address after AWREADY indicates previous address acceptance    
 always @(posedge M_AXI_ACLK)                                        
   if (M_AXI_ARESETN == 0 || init_txn_pulse == 1'b1)                                            
       axi_awaddr <= user_address;                                            
   else if (M_AXI_AWREADY && axi_awvalid)                            
       axi_awaddr <= axi_awaddr/* + burst_size_bytes*/;                  
     axi_awaddr <= axi_awaddr;                                        
/* Write Data Generator                                                            
Data pattern is only a simple incrementing count from 0 for each burst  */        
 always @(posedge M_AXI_ACLK)                                                      
   if (M_AXI_ARESETN == 0 || init_txn_pulse == 1'b1)                                                        
     axi_wdata <= user_data;                                                            
   //else if (wnext && axi_wlast)                                                  
   //  axi_wdata <= 'b0;                                                          
   else if (wnext)                                                                
     axi_wdata <= axi_wdata/* + 1*/;                                                  
     axi_wdata <= axi_wdata;                                                      
// Next address after ARREADY indicates previous address acceptance  
 always @(posedge M_AXI_ACLK)                                      
   if (M_AXI_ARESETN == 0 || init_txn_pulse == 1'b1)                                          
       axi_araddr <= user_address;                                          
   else if (M_AXI_ARREADY && axi_arvalid)                          
       axi_araddr <= axi_araddr/* + burst_size_bytes*/;                
     axi_araddr <= axi_araddr;                                      
In this snippet of code, we have kept the original template code more or less intact. It is just the pieces in bold that we have changed.

You will notice that in a couple of place we use init_txn_pulse. This is used to trigger a read or a write transaction.

One thing we still need to do is to indicate to the outside world when a read/write transaction has completed and also send the data when the transaction was a read. To do this, we just need to watch the signals wnext and rnext:

        output reg [31:0] user_data_out,
        output reg user_data_ready,
    always @(posedge M_AXI_ACLK)
      if (wnext || rnext)
        user_data_ready <= 1;
      end else if(!INIT_AXI_TXN)        
        user_data_ready <= 0;
    always @(posedge M_AXI_ACLK)
      if (rnext)
        user_data_out <= M_AXI_RDATA;
Keep in mind that M_AXI_ACLK is clocking at 100MHZ, so for one clock cycle rnext/wnext might be high, and low at the next one. The Mini Amiga block is clocking considerably slower than 100MHz, and will miss these notifications if  we rely directly on rnext/wnext. It is for that reason why we are storing the value for user_data_ready and user_data_out.

Testing the AXI block

Let us write a module for testing the AXI block we have created in this post.

With the test we will basically write some test data to SDRAM and then read it back.

We will implement this with a very simple statement machine, which will be a counter of which its bits will have different purposes.

This counter will be 11 bits wide, if which we will use the bits as follows:
  • bit 10: Read/Write
  • bit 9/8: Index for generating read data/address
  • bit 7-0: Lower part of counter
As mentioned above, we will be using bits 9 and 8 as a index to generate some random addresses for reading and writing, which we will do as follows:
always @(*)
  if (counter[9:8] == 0)
    data_out = 20;
  end else if (counter[9:8] == 1) 
    data_out = 120;
  end else if (counter[9:8] == 2) 
    data_out = 30;
  end else if (counter[9:8] == 3) 
    data_out = 10;
  end else 
    data_out = 111;

always @(*)
  if (counter[9:8] == 0)
    address = 20;
  end else if (counter[9:8] == 1) 
    address = 120;
  end else if (counter[9:8] == 2) 
    address = 30;
  end else if (counter[9:8] == 3) 
    address = 10;
  end else 
    address = 111;

We use the lower part of the counter, bits 7 - 0, to decide when to trigger the init_txn pulse. We use such a big range to ensure that we leave enough gap for latency:

always @(posedge clk)
  if (counter[7:0] == 20)
    init_txn <= 1;
  end else if (counter[7:0] == 118) 
    init_txn <= 0;

This is enough coding for a test. Let us do some testing.

The following logic trace shows some results:

The first two lines contains the requested address. At the bottom the read/write requests are shown, of which the section shown is mostly reads.

The line, user_data_out, shows the data that is read back from memory. This is not very clear in the picture, but the values are 0x14, 0x78, 0x1e. These values converted to decimal are 20, 120 and 30.

This corresponds to the values we used in our test module.

In Summary

In this post we have created an AXI block that will enable us to read and write to SDRAM on the Zybo board.

In the next post we will integrating this AXI block with the Mini Amiga block, and try to boot the AROS ROM.

Till next time!

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